About Us Team & Mission
Since 1974, medium-heavy metallic carpentry work
For over 40 years we provide our customers with our experience in machining of medium-heavy metallic carpentry. Among these we deal in particular with laser cutting and punching, stamping, sheet bending, robotic and manual welding. We also perform mechanical machining, bending pipes and spot welding. Everything about carpentry is daily life and passion for us, from 1974 to today.
The enormous change that has hit the productive world in recent times has pushed us to change our company significantly, both in the technological aspects and the organizational point of view.
So we have embarked on a path of business organization that aims to position the company on levels of absolute competitiveness, through different activities. First of all, a better exploitation of spaces, an efficient identification of equipment and materials, the continuous waste hunting and the shortening of internal transit times.
12 000 mq
Used Area
5 500 mq
Our Factory
5 300 mq
1 200 mq
Green Area
Our Mission: provide a 360° metal carpentry Service
Thanks to a qualified Team and the use of advanced machinery, we are able to provide our customers with a complete range of services. Our Mission is to meet the needs of our customers, who rely on us, providing a medium-heavy metallic carpentry service at 360°.
To enhance and pursue our Mission every day, we have obtained from CERMET the certification of our quality management system according to ISO 9001. Thanks to the achievement of this goal, we have detailed and checked every process that allows us to affirm the quality of our final product. We are sure that this is the crowning achievement of a path of professional growth that we follow in realizing our Mission.
Our goal is to place ourselves on the market as a Partner able to supply from the single component to the complete service in every part, offering highly competitive prices and punctual deliveries. Carpentry has no secrets for us anymore!